Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Romans 8:26-28
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our distress. For we don’t even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
New Living Translation

There is such comfort in this passage. I realize it has been misused. Almost every Christian I know can tell of a time when something bad happened, and someone quoted verse 28 as saying "All things work for good." When you are hurting, it doesn't typically feel helpful to have someone insinuate that you shouldn't feel bad, because God is using this terrible thing for good.

But the truth is, there is comfort in this. God is so sovereign, so powerful, that He can use the very worst to accomplish something good. It doesn't make evil into something good. It just means that His goodness is greater than evil.

What I am finding comfort in tonight though are verses 26-27. I often discover that in difficult circumstances, praying seems like a task that is simply beyond me. I can cry out "Help me God!", but anything rational beyond that is impossible. Pain, fear, and confusion lock up my prayer abilities, because all I can focus on is relief. The problem is, relief is not always the best answer. That is generally the last thing I want to acknowledge when hurting.

Reading through the Psalms helps a lot at times like these, because so often they beautifully express my very feelings, and I figure God won't turn a deaf ear to His own words prayed back at Him! Some days though, even that isn't quite enough. It definitely isn't enough when I have the sense that God is wanting to accomplish something specific through the struggle I am experiencing. When that is the case, crying out to God for relief is a bit futile. He will bring comfort, but not until is purpose is accomplished.

It is comforting to know that I don't have to know what to pray when I find myself in this kind of battle. All I have to do is call out to Him, tell Him I'm in over my head, and let Him do the rest. I can - and generally do - pour out all my thoughts, feeling, and arguments to Him. If I were talking to any mere human they would be certain that I'm completely unable to stick with any single line of thought. So much of what I pray at these times contradicts what I have just said. I pray in circles, taking this side, then that, and then yet another. I can't follow my own thoughts; I don't see how anyone else can.

But God is not confused by it all. He understands my poor muddled brain, because He created it. He knows all the arguments, He knows when I am saying something because it is "right" and when I am saying something because it is what I long for, and when I am saying something that exposes my truest, deepest motives. I can't always tell the difference myself. Sometimes I can but I don't want to admit it. But God always knows.

And His Spirit is praying with me, not in a confused jumble, but with perfect wisdom and with perfect love. He knows my heart, my motives, and He knows exactly what I need. And slowly but with loving determination, He works to untangle the mess and lead me into His good and perfect will.

So dear Lord, please...pray for me. I need it.

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