Monday, January 4, 2010

Build your life on Jesus

Colossians 2:6-7
And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
New Living Translation

There are many times when my husband Keith and I could finish each other's sentences. We've spent so much time together, we know how the other thinks. He has taught me to love Star Trek, and I've helped him learn to enjoy having cats in the house. (He still prefers dogs, but I'm working on it!)

Many years ago when we were first married, we came from separate lives. After a few years, our different backgrounds merged into a new creation, a life that is a blend of the best of both of us.

This is a result of spending many hours together, talking about everything, sharing dreams and fears, and experiencing new things together. Our love for and devotion to each other has grown stronger as a result.

This is similar to how our relationship with Jesus grows. Coming to know Jesus is an awesome thing, but it is only a beginning. We need to spend time with Him in prayer, reading His word, and thinking about Him. As we spend time with Him, He reveals Himself more and more. And the result is a deeper, stronger relationship with Him.

The goal is that we will grow so devoted to Jesus that we will have Him as the foundation of our life. We will do what pleases Him, not what pleases ourselves. We will avoid doing things that we know will displease Him. All we do, we will do with Him in mind.

And the better we know Him, the more we will trust Him. We will have a better understanding of all He has done for us, and all He is going to do. The result will be a deepening of thankfulness, joy, and peace.

Surely all this is worth spending time in prayer and Bible reading!

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